ByB teaches Undergraduate and Graduate Students about Neurons
Tim recently taught the Neurophysiology Section of a Biomedical Engineering Course, “Quatitative Physiology,” at the University. Notably, this was the first time ByB did its cricket ganglia nicotine experiment in a public setting. Did it work? Maybe…the smooth metal of the desk table made the manipulator very slippery with its brick support, and holding onto the neuron proved challenging. But you can listen for yourself! Below are links to the five lectures (each 30-50 minutes long) you may enjoy as an intro to neural engineering. The cricket experiment is at the beginning of lecture 5; you can notice from Tim’s initial “Uh” interludes that doing a tough experiment while narrating can be a bit challenging at first 😉
Lecture 2: Neural Data Analysis
Lecture 3: Manipulating the Brain