
10,000 Spikerboxes!!!!111!!!one1!

  • June 17, 2016
  • by Greg

As of this Monday, June 6 2016, we have made neuroscience history by selling our 10,000th Neuron Spikerbox!  You can see the count for yourself at our open finance page.

We would like to thank all of our customers so far for their support through the years.  Without you, we couldn’t bring first time spikes to so many people!

While the Spikerbox is our “core” product, and our first, it’s far from the only tool we sell to educators and aspiring neuroscientists. In addition to our numerous products, we have an extensive library of experiments suitable for classrooms, homes, or science fair projects!

So, will you help us reach 100,000 Neuron SpikerBoxes?  Maybe 10,000 Muscle SpikerBoxes?  If you’re all set with our products, keep using them and soon we’ll have over 100,000 first time spikes.

Last, but not least, we need to thank the humble cockroach-without these six legged heroes, the SpikerBox, and therefore Backyard Brains, could never have reached this point.  You can get some cockroaches for yourself, or show your love for them with our awesome t-shirts and roach logo mugs.

Thank you again, and continue on with the Neuro Revolution!
