
[Summer’16 Internship] Zombie Snails: Stop that snail!

  • June 27, 2016
  • by Greg

More clearly explained, inject the snail before it hides behind its trap door anyway. For the past 2 weeks, I’ve had considerable trouble getting the needle into the snail to inject it with the anesthesia solution before the snail locked itself away in its trap door. It’s actually a very fast and strong protection mechanism, considering it’s a snail. I ordered needles off of Amazon that were wonderfully priced, however were not sharp enough to do the job. Even when trying to shave it down, it just didn’t work. Your local CVS will have a needle for insulin injection so use that if you must. It has a beveled tip to the needle and a very nice 3 mL syringe for injection. Make sure you have these items before starting!!!

By Nancy Sloan