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Senior Fellows at “Soapbox Science” and “Munich Science Slam”

As part of the kick-off to the International Senior Research Fellowship, the fellows attended Soapbox Science Munich and the Munich Science Slam presentation skills workshop to begin immersing themselves in the scientific community in Germany and learn strategies to become better science communicators.

From their website:

“Soapbox Science Munich returns to Odeonsplatz! 12 amazing female scientists will present their remarkable research this summer. Come meet the speakers and learn first hand about a wide range of topics from archeology to climate change to artificial intelligence and neurobiology.”

Selected from a competitive pool of researchers, our 12 speakers will be sharing their work in technology, science, medicine and engineering. The speakers and their discussion topics are:

The fellows hit the plaza and in between church bells ringing and crowds bustling about, heard talks from these scientists about bats, climate change, and more ~ all while taking notes as they planned and practiced for their own presentations at the impending Science Slam!

Munich Science Slam

Since our very first fellowship, we have continued to prioritize the development of science communication skills as a core component of the experience. As you have seen in our TED talks, we prize the ability to effectively communicate complex ideas in science to anyone who may be excited to learn! This is especially important for a field like neuroscience, which many view as “too complex for me,” to which we respond, “that is simply not true!”

So in the spirit of making neuroscience and advanced scientific methodology more accessible, the research fellows each gave a talk about an element of their work at the Munich Science Slam. Check them out in the videos below!

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