
SJSU Graduating Seniors Compete for Best Poster Award in Neuroscience Lab

Dr. Katie Wilkinson, a Neurophysiologist from San Jose State University, worked with her seniors to incorporate neuroscience and Backyard Brains equipment into their labs. She recently tweeted about her students and the very first Neurophysiology Lab Best Poster Award that they were competing against each other for, posters and projects which used BYB equipment to further their hypotheses.

See the thread of the projects

And in true competitive spirit, we were willing to help “up the stakes,” and make this a victory worth fighting for!

Three pairs of students presented posters to be reviewed by local guest celebrity judges.

The presenters were quizzed and judged by members of their scientific community (Note the adorable cockroach details on that middle outfit!)

Phylicia and Blake present: The Muscular Excitability Under the Influence of Alcohol and Caffeine
Greg and Kim Present: the Effect of Antihistamines on Cockroach Leg Sensory Neurons
Jasmin and Haile present: The Dose Dependent Effects of Procaine on Cockroach Electrophysiology

Now before you scroll down and see the winner… who would you choose? Which research poster was your favorite?

And the winner is…

Blake and Phylicia’s project was declared the winner! Their names will be featured on the lab plaque as the inaugural winners of the lab poster contest. They, and Dr. Wilkinson, also received free Backyard Brains T-Shirts for their hard work (And isn’t winning just a bit sweeter when you win a cool prize?)

It is always great to see examples of student research. Interested in hosting your own poster competition? Whether K12 or university, we’d be excited to learn about it and feature it similarly! Email us at to share your plans or results!