• New BYB Intern Studies How Fast Venus Flytrap Plans for Its Next Meal
    Hello! My name is Matías Morales. I am studying biochemistry in the neuroscience laboratory at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile (also called USACH). We study the NKCC1 channel role in the hippocampus in a model of autism in rats using electrophysiology methods. During hippocampal development, the concentrations of the channels responsible for regulating intracellular […]
  • How Vaping Roaches Can Teach Data Science
    BYB Neuroscience News
    We may have been the ones who set cockroaches loose in the classroom. Which makes us thrilled to see ever more creepy-crawlies being enlisted to help democratize neuroscience! A new Arizona State University-led study, released just last month, shows how simple behavioral roach experiments can pair with free, open-source machine learning to make high-level science […]