• Citizen Science Sleepaway Camp: BYB Visits Campus Party Brazil
    Before I spill the Feijoada about Backyard Brains’ awesome experience at Campus Party Brazil, I should mention that I firmly believe that education can save the world. I should also mention that in regards to our brains, according to neuroscience research, your education lasts your entire life. I’ll cut to the chase: my recent Brazilian […]
  • The NeuroRevolution continues in Bangalore, India
    • March 9, 2017
    • by Greg
    Neuroscience is making its way across the globe! Recently, The Harvard South Asia Institute selected 25 young students of technology to participate in a two-week long workshop, introducing them to the excitement and interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience and engineering in Bangalore, India. Course managers included our longtime Harvard colleagues and scientists Venkatesh Murthy and Laura Magnotti , and during two weeks […]
  • 10,000 Spikerboxes!!!!111!!!one1!
    • June 17, 2016
    • by Greg
    As of this Monday, June 6 2016, we have made neuroscience history by selling our 10,000th Neuron Spikerbox!  You can see the count for yourself at our open finance page. We would like to thank all of our customers so far for their support through the years.  Without you, we couldn’t bring first time spikes […]