We are pleased to announce that ProfessorMichael Ferragamo of Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota is our 100th customer! He is the proud owner of SpikerBox #266 (some customers have bought more than one!). Michael plans to use his SpikerBox for local high school outreach.
So where on this great planet have all these 266 little SpikerBoxes gone? We introduce our interactive SpikerMap. University professors are orange, graduate students are brown, amateur scientists are yellow, and our high school teachers are green. Some SpikerBoxes have even found their way to Alaska, South Korea, Germany, Holland, France, and England.
Note: We are aware that Pittsburgh is not in Wisconsin. During Thanksgiving, Professor Doug Weber single- handedly formed a satellite neural engineering department at his nephew’s house. You might also ask: Where is the first ever production SpikerBox that began this adventure? It’s owned and used by the hip graduate students of the University of California – San Diego Neuroscience Program.
As the SpikerBoxes have made their way around the world, we have been continually developing and improving the design. Since sales first began in April 2010, we have released four iterations of the SpikerBox. Here is what the current SpikerBox looks like (note the stylishacornnuts and acrylic housing).
We thank all the customers who have maintained and supported our dream of low cost electrophysiology for all.