Are you part of an organization registered as public charity in the US or Canada?
If yes, now is the time to apply for up to $1,500 that you can use towards planning out an outreach for next year’s Brain Awareness Week (March 14 – March 20, 2022)!
If awarded, you could use this money to organize workshops, brain fairs, interactive programs geared towards school students, undergrads, underserved communities or the general public. There are no formal limitations as long as your program is free for attendees and has to do with neuroscience or brain health! Brain science doesn’t have nearly enough presence in school curriculums, so all initiatives to try and fill in the gap are more than welcome.
If you’re worried about the pandemic, fret not: both in-person and virtual events are eligible for this grant!
How to Apply & What Kind of Programs Do They Support?
Applying is simple: just head over here to register as a Partner. If you’re registered already, just log in here and follow the link to submit your application. The Foundation provides a bunch of resources to help you plan out your program – check them out before applying!
Your proposal will stand best chances to be awarded if it’s imaginative, relevant to the initiative’s overall mission to instill enthusiasm for neuroscience, and if it reaches as great and diverse a number of attendees in your local community as possible.
Last year, grants for US and Canada were awarded to 35 organizations and institutions across 20 states. Unlike this year, the focus was on educational institutions and small businesses, and here’s a list of awardees with their programs by way of inspiration. There were a bunch of interesting and creative programs such as The Neuroscience of Ballet by Columbia Uni’s Zuckerman Institute and Dance Theater of Harlem, an event that fused two very different fields together, taught the wide audience about neuroscience and supported local arts community.
Our own DIY electrophysiology kits and tools have also been part of Brain Awareness Week in the past, empowering thousands of students to become scientists!
However, the Brain Awareness Week initiative is much wider than just the US and Canada. Ever since 1996, it’s been carried out in nearly 120 countries, spreading out the spirit of citizen science.
Tick tock, tick tock… The deadline for submissions is November 7, 2021, 11:59pm ET, so hurry!