• Visualizing Harmonic Convergence in Mosquito Mating
    Wow, what a summer!!! I have some exciting news to report…I didn’t get bit by ONE mosquito all summer!!! Just kidding, my project is a little more exciting than that! I did it! I successfully put together and executed a project that I was a little iffy about back in May, and developed a new-found […]
  • The Harmonics of Mosquito Mating
    Introduction to the Project Hi, Haley again!! It’s been an exciting couple of weeks- I’ve become more familiar with mosquitoes than I ever thought I would, learned a TON more Matlab, and even got a few recordings!! My work recently has focused on perfecting the methodology needed to successfully tether a mosquito in a position […]
  • Learning about the Mosquito Love Song
    Hi! My name is Haley Smith and I just finished my senior year at Temple University where I studied bioengineering. I had an awesome first week at Backyard Brains, meeting all the fellows and familiarizing myself with the workspace and the BYB kits was a fun way to get started. I have extensive lab experience […]