• BYB Neuroscience Goes to Penang, Malaysia
    We’re ending the eventful year of 2022 grand style – by sending our gear on yet another trip across the world to further our #NeuroRevolution! This time, it was George Town in Penang, Malaysia, where school kiddos got to try their hands at our Claw. The neuroscience booth was part of an exhibition funded by […]
  • DIY Neuroscience and AI for All - Virtual Workshop by IBRO-LARC/PEDECIBA
    Who says that hands-on approach doesn't work in virtual space? The DIY Neuroscience and AI for All workshop confirmed it!
  • Neurorobot: Scientific Paper Published
    Start the presses! Backyard Brains has a new publication! Our Neurorobot paper is titled “Neurorobotics Workshop for High School Students Promotes Competence and Confidence in Computational Neuroscience.” You can read the article in its entirety on the Frontiers in Neurorobotics website–because we believe neuroscience knowledge is for everyone, and no one should have to pay […]
  • A Fun and Productive Teacher Training Workshop: These Teachers are Neuro-Nerds!
    Following the previous success of our 3-day Teacher Training workshop at the end of the 2019 Calendar Year – we decided to kick-off 2020 with a free workshop for educators, open to all! So we set a date… Jan 31st, shot out some emails, and hoped we wouldn’t be eating bagels and cream cheese alone […]
  • Reserve your Spot: Teacher Training Workshop (January 31st)
    This is a call to arms for science educators everywhere… Following the success of our three-day teacher training workshop at the end of 2019, and our Summer 2019 Workshop on Reactions and Reflexes, we want to kick off 2020 with the next FREE workshop open to the public! This workshop is coming up quick… so […]
  • 3-Day Teacher Workshop a Smashing Success!
    Texas Teachers Brave Michigan Winter for Neuroscience Ed Workshop, and Love it! Nine teachers from Texas join up with a few of us Neuroscience Education nerds in snowy Michigan… and holiday magic happens!
  • Highschoolers use Backyard Brains tools to perform DIY Neuroscience Research at Rockefeller's Summer Neuroscience Program
    Last summer, we shared details about how the Summer Neuroscience Program at Rockefeller helped make an impact on a group of high schoolers from different backgrounds across NYC. The Summer Neuroscience Program (SNP) is self-described as “a two-week course aimed at introducing talented and enthusiastic high school students to the brain,” but could more affectionately be described […]
  • Taiwanese Student Organizes Outreach
    Neuroscience has a way of inspiring people from all walks of life. After all, we all have brains, no matter where we come from! This story comes to us from Taiwan, where Chiao-chi,Chou studies, a 21-year-old student and interactive installation artist in the Department of Communications Design of Shih Chien University. Chiao-chi discovered our products […]
  • The NeuroRevolution continues in Bangalore, India
    • March 9, 2017
    • by Greg
    Neuroscience is making its way across the globe! Recently, The Harvard South Asia Institute selected 25 young students of technology to participate in a two-week long workshop, introducing them to the excitement and interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience and engineering in Bangalore, India. Course managers included our longtime Harvard colleagues and scientists Venkatesh Murthy and Laura Magnotti , and during two weeks […]