
The Completo Released! Your Electrophysiology Rig that fits in a ToolBox.

Years in the making, we officially launch our “Completo,” which combines our Manipulator, RoachScope, SpikerBox, and beautiful poplar wooden steel table into a single rig for those neuroscientists on the go. We have successfully used it to record muscle potentials from fruit flies, carefully position electrodes on earthworm nerves, and measure adaptation rates in cockroach sensory neurons. What will you discover? Available Now. Works with any smartphone with a camera. Scope and Manipulator have magnets built into base to stay stably attached to metal table.

Update: Within a couple hours of this announcement, we had our first sale of the “Completo.” Professor Ian Harrington, Director of the Neuroscience Program at Augustana College, is the proud owner of the first production unit! He plans to use it for a Science Academy he is helping run this summer as part of Augustana’s high school outreach. Ian is also a former labmate of ours from waaayyyy back; Ian was a post-doc in an auditory neuroscience lab at U-Michigan when co-founder TM was a first year rotating graduate student in 2002. Thanks as always for your support Ian!