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Neuroscience for Everyone!

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Educational Innovations Webinar: Wire Me Up! (Feb 20)

Would you like all the benefits of a Backyard Brains workshop without leaving the comfort of your desk chair? Our friends and partners at Educational Innovations can help! On February 20, 2020, from 4:00-4:30pm EST, Educational Innovations will be hosting a webinar on Neuroscience in the K-12 Classroom!

The Details…
What: a free, 30-minute webinar from EI and BYB
When: February 20, 2020 from 4:00-4:30pm EST
Where: your computer!

The Subject…
-Discover how your K-12 students can perform REAL neuroscience and biofeedback experiments in the classroom!
-Learn how to bring REAL mind control into your classroom as you teach your students to create their own brain-machine interfaces and cyborgs!
-Find out more about these hands-on, minds-on, groundbreaking neuroscience kits!

The Cost
Absolutely free! Just register at the button below, and log in on February 20 at 4:00pm EST!

Join in for a cool opportunity to learn more about neuroscience through Backyard Brains products!

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