• [Summer’16 Internship] Arduino, EEG, and Free Will: A big
    • June 29, 2016
    • by Greg
    I had been searching for a readiness potential for weeks, trying to sift through noise two orders of magnitude louder than the signal itself, with little success. This morning Greg, my research mentor, pointed out that since I’m using a bipolar electrode EEG, the op-amp is only magnifying the difference between the two leads over […]
  • [Summer’16 Internship] The Dragonfly: Connecting the laser to the Spikerbox
    • June 29, 2016
    • by Greg
    From previous neural recordings, I have data of the spikes of the TSDNs. However, I had yet to find a way to record the onset of the stimulus (turning on the laser) so that I could correlate it to the spikes. In order to both simultaneously record the event of the laser turning on and […]
  • [Summer’16 Internship] The Dragonfly: Laser show first prototype
    • June 29, 2016
    • by Greg
    Today I started working on the first prototype for the laser set-up. Previously, I had tried to make a laser show out of bass speakers. However, I found that the bass speakers that I had did not allow me the range of motion that I wanted. A picture of the bass speaker set up that I […]
  • [Summer’16 Internship] Neuroscience of Grasshopper Jumps: Catching grasshoppers!
    • June 29, 2016
    • by Greg
    I went out to the field in Ann Arbor, MI yesterday and in my mind, I wanted to catch at least 20 grasshoppers to last me about two weeks of data collection. After two hours of navigating through a vast tall grass field in the Nichols Arboretum in the scorching summer heat, I had to […]
  • [Summer’16 Internship] Zombie Snails: On the Road to Postoperative Recovery
    • June 27, 2016
    • by Greg
    After going through surgery, usually humans can wake up from the anesthesia and function quite normally. Snails are not the same. After this procedure, they need to stay hydrated, but in something less anesthetic and more similar to their blood plasma. This is called a snail saline solution, or Ringer’s solution. It’s essentially 1 liter […]
  • [Summer’16 Internship] Zombie Snails: Stop that snail!
    • June 27, 2016
    • by Greg
    More clearly explained, inject the snail before it hides behind its trap door anyway. For the past 2 weeks, I’ve had considerable trouble getting the needle into the snail to inject it with the anesthesia solution before the snail locked itself away in its trap door. It’s actually a very fast and strong protection mechanism, […]
  • [Summer'16 Internship] The South American Electric Fish Controller
    • June 27, 2016
    • by Greg
    Over the course of the next 10 weeks, I will be designing and running a neuroethological study on the electrical behavior of the South American weakly electric fish. My goal is to develop a Backyard Brains-esque tool to listen to, record, and manipulate the electrical discharge of the electric fish. I will be posting routine […]
  • [Summer’16 Internship] Neuroscience of Grasshopper Jumps: Designing Experimental Setup & Gathering Material
    • June 25, 2016
    • by Greg
    Below is the preliminary design for my electrophysiology setup. The Backyard Brains SpikerBox has a piece of cardboard on top, so after being anesthetized in ice, the little grasshopper will chill out there for the experiment, which would last about an hour. The grasshopper’s belly (ventral side) would face up, so I can place the […]
  • [Summer’16 Internship] The Dragonfly: Dragonfly neural recordings
    • June 23, 2016
    • by Greg
    Neural recordings: Yesterday, I recorded from the neuron of the dragonfly without the lasers, just to ensure the materials are working and that I can find the TSDNs. For the neural recordings of the dragonfly, I aimed to place the electrode in the TSDN. These neurons run down the dragonfly’s neck, on the right and left […]
  • [Summer’16 Internship] The Dragonfly: Catching Dragonflies
    • June 22, 2016
    • by Greg
    Catching the dragonflies: The first step of my project is to collect the dragonflies. Dragonflies love vegetation near waterways (rivers, streams, ponds, lakes etc.) All you need to catch them is a butterfly net and a mesh cage. Once I caught enough, I put the dragonflies in individual cups and place them in the refrigerator (this […]
  • [Summer’16 Internship] Neuroscience of Grasshopper Jumps: Studying Grasshopper Anatomy
    • June 22, 2016
    • by Greg
    I have chosen the bugs with alien heads as my study organism for this vision neuroscience project, and so the first step is to seek out existing knowledge and familiarize myself with the grasshopper’s morphology and neuroanatomy. Grasshoppers belong to the kingdom Animalia, phylum Arthopoda, class Insecta– the largest and most biodiverse group of animals on […]
  • [Summer'16 Internship] Killer Dragonflies
    • June 21, 2016
    • by Greg
    The dragonfly is a killing machine.  They can use their 360° visual span to swoop down and devour their prey mid-flight with a 95% kill rate.  They are superheroes- or maybe super villains – of the insect world. Incredibly biologically equipped, dragonflies have eyes with four or five opsins (in contrast to the human’s three), […]