• Teacher Spotlight: Successful DonorsChoose campaign electrifies Mrs. Kielma's classroom
    Last year, we were introduced to a number of teachers who wanted to fund their classroom through DonorsChoose–check out our previous blog post about it! Mrs. Kielma is a biology and biotechnical engineering teacher at an urban school, and her DonorsChoose campaign was for a Human-Human Interface to explore biomedical engineering and neuroprosthetics. In her […]
  • Learning by Doing: Teach Reiterative Design with Neuroprosthetics
    Failure is an important part of theReiterative Design Process! For some students, dealing with failure can be tough. It’s frustrating to encounter obstacles in science! And for teachers – how do you grade a project when a student puts a lot of effort in, but keeps hitting roadblocks? Many of you already teach like this, […]
  • Brain Awareness Week
    Every year in late March, scientists across the world band together to participate in Brain Awareness week, an extended event created by The Society for Neuroscience and Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives to expose kids to neuroscience research. It is a week-long celebration of the brain, really, with participants ranging from universities to government agencies […]
  • From Middle School to University, Technology that Helps is Hot!
    “A new generation of students has access to 3D printers and other DIY technology…” I was speaking recently to one of our colleagues at Temple University about a project several of his students were working on, and he said something that really struck me, “these students are the first generation to have grown up with 3D […]
  • Stationary Electrodes Are The New Black
    One of the core tenets of Backyard Brains is our slogan, neuroscience for everyone! We constantly work to drive the world around us into the neurorevolution, and when we hear about projects like Peter Buczkowski’s master’s thesis, we know we’re doing something right. Peter Buczkowski graduated in 2013 with a Bachelor of Arts and in […]
  • Tim Marzullo Talks Human-Human-Interface, BYB History on
    Recently, our very own Tim Marzullo spoke with the Ladan Jiracek, host and creator of the “Neural Implant Podcast.” This podcast describes its purpose as “bringing together the field of neuroprosthetics, brain-machine interfaces, and brain implants through an understandable conversation on the current topics and breakthroughs in the fields.” The Podcast runs just under an […]
  • The Claw Goes LIVE (With Your Muscles!)
    • August 9, 2016
    • by Greg
    The Backyard Brains Claw Bundle is the latest in our line of Muscle SpikerShield products! This kit comes with everything you need to begin experimenting with your first brain-machine interface. By using the electrical activity hidden within your muscles, you will learn how to control your first neuroprosthetic, the Claw! We’ve also provided a number […]