• Poker Bot to Detect Bluffs From Your Sweat Glands and Heart Rate
    —Written by Sachin Pillai— Lo and behold, somehow I’m already five weeks into the BYB fellowship program this fine summer. At this point, the only bluff I’ve certainly encountered is just how fast time can pass! Just kidding. I have in fact made significant progress with my Poker Bot over the past weeks and that includes […]
  • Free Will Keeps Evading (But It Ain't Over Till the Encephalogram Sings)
    —Written by Samuel Kuhn— These two photos just about summarize the past 5 weeks of searching for the Readiness Potential. I’ve hit a stone wall trying to replicate it so that it could bring me one step closer to understanding the free will phenomenon! I have been collecting EEG data just about every day trying to […]
  • The Student Becomes the Master: P300 Signals As the New Lie Detector!
    –Written by Sarah Falkovic– Welcome to the update on my lie detector project! In my previous blog post, I discussed the modality of electrodermal activity, a.k.a our unconscious sweat response and its ties to stress. However, as a method of measuring lies it leaves much to be desired due to its ability to be swayed by […]
  • Say Hello to My Little Friend - A Big Blue TinyML Robot Hand! [Fellowship 2021]
    —Written by Fredi Mino— Fancy having a robot hand that mimics your real hand’s gestures?  Me too! That’s why I’m designing one with another helping hand – from our good old friend, TinyML. I will do this by measuring the activity of the muscles involved in hand movements using surface Electromyography (sEMG). Then, we will use digital signal […]
  • Exploring Uncharted Waters: Do Fish Play (and Why Yes)?
    ***Written by Sofia Eisenbeiser*** Ever had this feeling that fish in your aquarium are having a blast?  This summer I am working with a few of them to determine whether or not they exhibit play behaviors.   This study began as a simple replication of Dr. Gordon Burghardt’s 2014 publication, which found that three white-spotted African cichlid fish […]
  • Pick a Card and Our Fellow Nour’s AI Device Will Know What It Is
    ***Written by Nour Chahine*** Can you use a brain-computer interface to perform magic tricks? Guess what card someone is thinking of? That is exactly what my TinyML project, Pick a Card, is all about.  I will develop a small screen to show a set of playing cards while measuring EEGs. The subject chooses a card, and an AI […]
  • Dreaming With Your Eyes Open: Can Tiny ML Help You Deal with FOMO?
    —Written by Ariyana Miri— How much do you notice throughout your day? Are you paying attention to your surroundings? Are you present in every moment of your life? Odds are, the answer is no. As most adults know, the more we grow up, the more we seem to live on autopilot. We’ve got places to be […]
  • Building a Poker Bot You Can't Bluff: TinyML Gets All In!
    —Written by Sachin Pillai— This summer at Backyard Brains, I’m developing a Poker Bot trained via machine learning that can detect when players bluff and predict how risky a player’s hand is based on internal physiological reactions during the game. A full month into the fellowship, I’ve already had substantial progress with my project! The first week […]
  • In Search of the White Whale: Readiness Potential Preceding Our Free Will
    —Written by Samuel Kuhn— This summer I am lucky enough to get to work with Backyard Brains on a project that pulls together neuroscience, computer engineering, philosophy, and philanthropy. This summer I am trying to build a device to detect free will!  To even try and define free will, we must turn to the humanities for help. […]
  • Can TinyML Send Polygraphs to the Ash Heap of History? Our Fellow Sarah Falkovic Is Set to Find Out!
    —Post written by Sarah Falkovic— Can TinyML be used to design a small-scale lie detector model? Lie detection has been a field of interest for about as long as the field of neuroscience itself, if not longer! However, lie detection in our current culture involves administration by a trained professional in the form of a polygraph. While […]
  • Backyard Brains 2021 AI Fellowship
    Call for HS Teachers and Undergraduates in Biology, Engineering and the Arts: Calling all AI and neuroscience nerds (AND nerd wannabes): We are back!  After taking a hiatus due to a global pandemic, we are proud to announce that we are returning with a very special guest star: TinyML! Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) is a deep learning toolkit […]