• [Summer’16 Internship] The Dragonfly: Connecting the laser to the Spikerbox
    • June 29, 2016
    • by Greg
    From previous neural recordings, I have data of the spikes of the TSDNs. However, I had yet to find a way to record the onset of the stimulus (turning on the laser) so that I could correlate it to the spikes. In order to both simultaneously record the event of the laser turning on and […]
  • [Summer’16 Internship] The Dragonfly: Laser show first prototype
    • June 29, 2016
    • by Greg
    Today I started working on the first prototype for the laser set-up. Previously, I had tried to make a laser show out of bass speakers. However, I found that the bass speakers that I had did not allow me the range of motion that I wanted. A picture of the bass speaker set up that I […]
  • [Summer’16 Internship] The Dragonfly: Dragonfly neural recordings
    • June 23, 2016
    • by Greg
    Neural recordings: Yesterday, I recorded from the neuron of the dragonfly without the lasers, just to ensure the materials are working and that I can find the TSDNs. For the neural recordings of the dragonfly, I aimed to place the electrode in the TSDN. These neurons run down the dragonfly’s neck, on the right and left […]
  • [Summer’16 Internship] The Dragonfly: Catching Dragonflies
    • June 22, 2016
    • by Greg
    Catching the dragonflies: The first step of my project is to collect the dragonflies. Dragonflies love vegetation near waterways (rivers, streams, ponds, lakes etc.) All you need to catch them is a butterfly net and a mesh cage. Once I caught enough, I put the dragonflies in individual cups and place them in the refrigerator (this […]
  • [Summer'16 Internship] Killer Dragonflies
    • June 21, 2016
    • by Greg
    The dragonfly is a killing machine.  They can use their 360° visual span to swoop down and devour their prey mid-flight with a 95% kill rate.  They are superheroes- or maybe super villains – of the insect world. Incredibly biologically equipped, dragonflies have eyes with four or five opsins (in contrast to the human’s three), […]