• Leadership Initiatives Youth Development Program Features a Week Dedicated to Neuroscience!
    The Leadership Initiatives Advanced Medical Neuroscience Summit is a program that’s available for rising freshmen in high school to rising freshmen in college that gives students the opportunity to live for a short time at a college campus (Gorgeous Georgetown), attend lectures and learn from neuroscience professors, tour high-tech labs, and perform hands-on research. This […]
  • Meet us after school for Cockroach Club
    You never know what might capture a students’ attention and passion… Maybe the recent photo of a black hole inspires a student to learn about astrophysics, or maybe an experiment involving cockroaches inspires a student to want to learn more about neuroscience! Recently, we heard word from two graduating high school seniors in Ohio who […]
  • Cincinnati Neuroscience Outreach by BYB Alumna
    Feat. DIY Neurosci Research Projects proposed, projected, poster-ed, and presented by Middle School students! Anastasiya was one of BYB’s 2018 Summer Fellows (of jellyfish fame), and now she has written back to us about the neuroscience outreach she has been doing in the Cincinnati area! One of the reasons we changed our summer program’s name […]
  • First Place at Science Fair for Student using BYB Gear
    My name is Azrin Khan and I am currently a junior (11th grade) in Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet Senior High School in California. My purpose is to build a device which will alert humans when they are going to have muscle cramps, and it will keep a record of the intensity of the cramp and […]
  • From Middle School to University, Technology that Helps is Hot!
    “A new generation of students has access to 3D printers and other DIY technology…” I was speaking recently to one of our colleagues at Temple University about a project several of his students were working on, and he said something that really struck me, “these students are the first generation to have grown up with 3D […]
  • Make Music with your Muscles
    • January 16, 2019
    • by Greg
    Hi everyone! I’m Cristian, a junior at Nido de Aguilas High School in Chile. Aside from math and engineering, which are my main interests, I enjoy playing drums and reading nonfiction. During my internship here at Backyard Brains, I’ve been working on building a musical instrument! It is a modification of our Muscle SpikerShield that […]
  • Taiwanese Student Organizes Outreach
    Neuroscience has a way of inspiring people from all walks of life. After all, we all have brains, no matter where we come from! This story comes to us from Taiwan, where Chiao-chi,Chou studies, a 21-year-old student and interactive installation artist in the Department of Communications Design of Shih Chien University. Chiao-chi discovered our products […]
  • Backyard Brains High School Student Personal Projects
    • November 2, 2018
    • by Greg
    Backyard Brains is live from inside the classroom of Colegio Alberto Blest Gana in Santiago to present you 5 group projects brought to life by creative and passionate students. and the methodology we used to choose the projects. This high school has been like a second lab for Backyard Brains, where the students beta test […]
  • Summer Neuroscience Camp Empowers NYC Teens!
    Rockefeller’s Summer Neuroscience Program: Graduate Students share their excitement for Neuroscience with teens from all over NYC The Summer Neuroscience Program (SNP) is self-described as “a two-week course aimed at introducing talented and enthusiastic high school students to the brain,” but could more affectionately be described as summer neuroscience camp! Students learn about the history of neuroscience, […]
  • BYB in High School!
    Backyard Brains always loves hearing about our equipment making its way out into the world and into a classroom, so we were thrilled to hear from Dr. Nancy Cowdin, a Neuroscientist and Science teacher at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School. Dr. Cowdin recently taught an elective course in Neuroscience where seniors at the all-girls high school […]
  • Backyard Brains 2016 Summer Internship!
    • February 2, 2016
    • by Greg
    Call for Undergraduates in biology or engineering fields Do you have an interest in neuroscience? Electrical, Mechanical or Computer engineering? Want to develop your own experiments and publish your results?  Learn to communicate with the public?  Maybe even all of the above?  Then you’re in luck! The Backyard Brains Summer Internship is an intensive 10 week program for undergraduates to participate in […]
  • Gift from Iran thanks to Open Source: cockroach research tools and experiments made by students
    On January 1st, we received a New Year’s gift from another continent: Neuroscience tools and experiments made by a group of high school students selected from the 20 best rated schools of Iran. They were written lab reports, submitted for an interdisciplinary neuroscience competition that utilized our open source experiments with cockroaches as a resource […]