• Cincinnati Neuroscience Outreach by BYB Alumna
    Feat. DIY Neurosci Research Projects proposed, projected, poster-ed, and presented by Middle School students! Anastasiya was one of BYB’s 2018 Summer Fellows (of jellyfish fame), and now she has written back to us about the neuroscience outreach she has been doing in the Cincinnati area! One of the reasons we changed our summer program’s name from […]
  • NW Noggin Inspires Students with Hands-On Neuroscience Experiences
    In honor of Brain Awareness Week this month, we want to spotlight an organization fighting the good fight and working to bring the NeuroRevolution to as many schools as possible! NW Noggin (Northwest Neuroscience Outreach Group: Growing in Networks) is a neuroscience outreach group based in Portland, Oregon that has been introducing students to electrophysiology across […]
  • First Place at Science Fair for Student using BYB Gear
    My name is Azrin Khan and I am currently a junior (11th grade) in Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet Senior High School in California. My purpose is to build a device which will alert humans when they are going to have muscle cramps, and it will keep a record of the intensity of the cramp and […]
  • NGSS Aligned Neuroscience
    It can’t be avoided: the standards must be met! While we encourage educators everywhere to break free from the shackles of bureaucratic granularity in education… we also admit that education standards perform a necessary function. There are educational and developmental milestones that all students should achieve, and it is the goal of the standards to […]
  • Brain Awareness Week
    Every year in late March, scientists across the world band together to participate in Brain Awareness week, an extended event created by The Society for Neuroscience and Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives to expose kids to neuroscience research. It is a week-long celebration of the brain, really, with participants ranging from universities to government agencies […]
  • DIY Neuroprosthetics: A Third Thumb?
    The Third Thumb An 8th Grader’s Exploration in DIY Neuroprosthetics Several months ago, a crowdfunded classroom got their hands on several of our neuroprosthetic kits – like The Claw and the Muscle SpikerShield Bundle. This allowed students in Nokomis Regional schools to begin experimenting with hands-on neuroscience experiments! One of the students, 8th grader Kaiden K., was interested in developing a prosthetic, but […]
  • Help us Study the Neuroscience of Sport
    • February 5, 2019
    • by Greg
    Help us win a Grant to Empower a New Generation of Sports Scientists! Through our adventures at Backyard Brains over the years, we have come to love electromyography, muscle coordination, and the body in movement. We have already begun some classes where we teach muscle physiology through sport! We recently applied for a grant to devote more […]
  • Bill Nye Under Mind Control?
    Bill Nye Under Mind Control? Don’t worry – it was just temporary! Earlier this year we received an order for a Human-Human-Interface that had our team glowing with excitement. It was addressed to none other than Bill Nye and one of his producers on Bill Nye Saves the World. In this recent Netflix show, Bill Nye and his science […]
  • From Middle School to University, Technology that Helps is Hot!
    “A new generation of students has access to 3D printers and other DIY technology…” I was speaking recently to one of our colleagues at Temple University about a project several of his students were working on, and he said something that really struck me, “these students are the first generation to have grown up with 3D printers […]
  • In Search Of... Mind Control
    In Search Of… Mind Control Zachary Quinto explores the world of Mind Control Tech, including our own! Several months ago, we were visited by a film crew and a notable celebrity to film Neuroscience experiments for a History Channel show. We’re excited to finally share our spot with you on “In Search Of,” a documentary style show […]
  • Stationary Electrodes Are The New Black
    One of the core tenets of Backyard Brains is our slogan, neuroscience for everyone! We constantly work to drive the world around us into the neurorevolution, and when we hear about projects like Peter Buczkowski’s master’s thesis, we know we’re doing something right. Peter Buczkowski graduated in 2013 with a Bachelor of Arts and in […]
  • November Conferences
    November is always a busy month at Backyard Brains, and this year was no exception! We expanded our conference tour to four conferences across two continents, from California, USA to Belgrade, Serbia.We did thousands of demos for new customers and promoted nearly 10 new products coming to BYB in 2019. Here are some tidbits about […]